17 Oct Tax Court Ruling Supports Working and Teaching Artists
The New York Times reported in early October on a tax decision that could have wide-reaching affects. For years, fine artist Susan Crile has earned an income from both her artwork and her teaching job as a professor at Hunter College in New York City. In filing her taxes, she has written off expenses related to her artwork for several decades. In 2010, the IRS accused Crile of underpaying her taxes from 2004 to 2009, stating that her claim that she was both an artist and a teaching professional was artificial, and that she created art solely to support her position as a tenured professor. (Crile has been a working artist since 1971, and became a tenured professor in 1994.) Judge Albert at the tax court rejected the IRS’s claim, stating the Crile established proof of her professional status as an artist.
The full New York Times article and Judge Albert’s ruling can be read online.