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Graphic Artists Guild

2248 Broadway #1341
New York, NY 10024

Tel: (212) 791-3400

ICON 10 Education Symposium Call for Abstracts on “Teaching in the Future”

ICON 10, The Illustration Conference, has put out a call for papers to be considered for their Education Symposium taking place next July in Detroit, MI. Conference organizers are interested in reviewing submissions from a broad range of sources: academics, educators, researchers, and professional practitioners such as illustrators, typographers, designers, and fine artists. Fitting with the theme “Paradigm Paradox: Teaching in the Future,” submissions should explore how illustration is taught and crafted in a rapidly evolving environment, precipitated by technological changes to both production and delivery methods.

ICON 10 Call for Entries banner

Interested participants should submit abstracts of up to 300 words by July 15. Conference organizers have identified several broad topics that could be addressed. From their call for abstracts:

  • Hand Made: Embracing craftsmanship in a multitude of media; access to training, tools and media.
  • Space & Time:  The evolution of 3-D, Interactive and Motion-based Illustration (and how to teach it all)
  • Rethinking the Illustration Major: Where is the Illustration program placed within your institution? What other programs does it correlate with and what are the interdisciplinary dynamics?
  • The Invisible Classroom: How does digital technology affect traditional teaching? What are the flaws and assets of remote teaching?
  • Structure and Infrastructure: What spaces, tools and equipment are essential for effective teaching?
  • Being Present and Active Locally: How do students interweave their creativity with the local populations and neighborhoods where they are in school? In particular, how do they share creative thinking and processes with disadvantaged populations, especially children? Are there mentoring opportunities for the students to become teachers?
  • Collaboration: Projects that involve collective thinking and making; how are they managed?
  • Inspiration: Processes to jump-start creative brainstorming.
  • Narration and Writing: How do students integrate their own stories into projects?
  • Issues Awareness: How do students engage with topical, political and global issues?
  • The Art of Seeing: Teaching students to look closely, to develop a critical eye, to become articulate consumers of visual images.
  • Shifting Realities: Keeping up with the changing nature of illustration.
  • The Entrepreneurial Illustrator: Teaching students the art of business and the business of art.

For full guidelines and contact information, please visit the ICON 10 Education Symposium call for submissions.
