12 Nov Guild Participates in Creative Rights Caucus 2015 for the House Judiciary Committee
On November 3, Guild members Shaftel (Advocacy Liaison) and John Schmelzer (past National President) participated in the 2015 Creative Rights Caucus for the House Judiciary Committee in Washington, DC. The event was held in a Judiciary Committee hearing room in the Rayburn House Office Building.
The Creative Rights Caucus is a bi-partisan legislative “listening” committee co-Chaired by Representative Judy Chu (D-CA) and Representative Doug Collins (R-GA). The event was organized by the Professional Photographers of America [PPA]. David Trust, Executive Director of the PPA, moderated the panel discussion. Panelists included photographer Denis Reggie, illustrator John Schmelzer, photographer Mary Fisk Taylor, graphic artist Lisa Shaftel, and photographer Michael Grecco.
There was an extraordinary turn-out of approximately 150 people and standing room only in the hearing room.
The Congressional Creative Rights Caucus is a bipartisan Caucus dedicated to protecting the rights of content creators. More importantly, the Caucus aims to help the public understand that we cannot judge the entertainment industry by how well famous Hollywood or music stars are doing.
At top of page: panelists L to R – Denis Reggie, John Schmelzer, Mary Fisk Taylor, Lisa Shaftel, and Michael Grecco. David Trust moderated at the podium. Rep. Judy Chu is seated behind Denis Reggie. Photo courtesy of PPA.