20 Sep 3×3 Magazine: End of a (Print) Era
We were sad to hear the news that illustration magazine 3×3 Magazine has put its last print issue to bed. The magazine has had a good run – in its 11 years of existence, 22 issues have been printed, featuring the work of over 60 illustrators, with hundreds more appearing in 3×3’s gallery, showcase, and spotlights. Although 3×3 is suspending print publication, there are plans to continue to promote quality illustration through its website, blog, books and annuals, and (as reported on their blog) “soon new offerings.” As publisher Charles Ivey wrote in his announcement, “There are projects lying dormant on my desk. Books I want to write, monographs to edit and design, podcasts to produce, apps to develop and design projects in the idea-stage that deserve to see fruition.” We’re intrigued to see what direction 3×3 takes.