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Women in Graphic Arts: Paulina Suarez-Vazquez

Paulina Suarez-Vazquez illustration of sun salutation.jpg

Paulina Suarez-Vazquez

Queretaro, Mexico

What is one thing you learned in school or via an alternative learning source that has made you a better professional? What was the name of the school / instructor / resource?

Organize and manage well time to meet deadlines, and enjoy the process of making illustrations.

As a woman in graphic arts, how do think the female perspective has impacted the evolution of the industry?

In the end images speak for themselves, whether they are made by female or male artists, but I believe each gender has its own understanding and sensitivities regarding specific topics. Male, female, nonbinary, we are human beings with a unique beautiful approach, and we all make meaningful images that have helped the industry evolve.

Name a female graphic artist, living or deceased, that made an impact on your aesthetic or work style (Include their social media handles if available). How does that impact present itself in your work?

Leonora Carrington and Remedios Varo. They were unique human beings living intense lives with distinctive art styles. Their work inspires me to create unique images and illustrations about dreams and fantasy and amazing creatures.

Mexico-based illustrator. My work has been published in Mexico, France and United States in publications such as Editions FLBLB, Cacciani, FCAS, Esto es un libro, Marvin Magazine and Far Faria. I do children’s books and background designs for the animation industry.

Images © Paulina Suarez-Vazquez. Used with permission.

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