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Town Hall Webinar

Now More Than Ever: Why Communication is Essential for Your Business

Presented by Danielle Hughes, More Than Words Marketing

As designers, we have the chance to bring beauty into the world. And that’s needed now, more than ever. The world is upside down. And we’re being bombarded with messaging. Some of it is good. Most of it not so good. But one thing remains true: your audience wants to hear from you. They need to hear from you.

This is your time to showcase your humanity and your expertise. You have the opportunity to help deliver vital messaging in a relevant and creative way. Communication is all we have right now. And you need to be using it.

In this presentation, you’ll hear from Danielle Hughes, a copywriting and branding expert, on how you can use your personality to connect with your clients and stand out from the clutter. On how being vulnerable and real will create stronger connections and affinity, and how knowing your brand and your audience makes messaging easier for you and more relatable for them.

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About Danielle

Danielle Hughes is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing, a branding and copywriting consultancy. She helps people and the brands that target them to develop their Genuine Personality Brand, creating content that sounds like you and giving you space to truly be yourself in your messaging. And while she can’t pull a rabbit out of her hat, she can create and hone your brand message, engage your audience and deadlift you or your employees, but not at the same time. That’s just irresponsible. (Note: Danielle is available for office party tricks and accepts payment in bottles of Bordeaux.)