06 Sep Member Spotlight: Niki Barolini

Nicoletta (Niki) Barolini
New York, NY
I draw inspiration from the amazing natural world and our collective human experiences. From the intricacies of the human condition, the awe-inspiring complexity of the human body, the boundless spirit and ingenuity displayed by individuals, and the ongoing struggle of humanity to embrace self-awareness and navigate the world. There can never be a lack of inspiration in the world we live in!”
Nicoletta (Niki) Barolini has been a member of the Graphic Artists Guild since 2023. She is a Science Visualizer at Columbia University. She specializes in creating scientific and technical illustrations for faculty, researchers, and institutions like Columbia University, CUNY, UCLA, Boston Medical, Penn State, and more.
Design Inspiration
In today’s creative space there are numerous outlets to draw inspiration from, but it is important to focus on those that speak to you as an artist. Niki speaks to what she draws inspiration from for her designs:
“I draw inspiration from the amazing natural world and our collective human experiences. From the intricacies of the human condition, the awe-inspiring complexity of the human body, the boundless spirit and ingenuity displayed by individuals, and the ongoing struggle of humanity to embrace self-awareness and navigate the world. There can never be a lack of inspiration in the world we live in!”
Being a Human Illustrator in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
As a human illustrator, Niki expresses her thoughts of generative AI being used within the design space:
I do not find visual AI’s helpful at the moment. I find it quicker for me to draw what I want than to write lengthy directions for visual AI.”
Generating Unique Creative Concepts
Niki also discusses some challenges today in collaborating with other designers when creating unique concepts for projects:
“In my case, the primary difficulty lies in the collaboration between artists and scientists, who often approach visual projects from a very different perspective. Finding a common ground and effectively communicating scientific ideas and procedures can be tricky due to the different terminologies used.”
Where to find Niki Barolini
Want to learn more about Niki as an artist?
You can visit her at her website here: www.nicolettabarolini.com
or on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/barolini/
and Instagram @DartTonia.