Contact Us

Graphic Artists Guild

2248 Broadway #1341
New York, NY 10024

Tel: (212) 791-3400

Greg Horvath


Greg Horvath,

Every time I would walk into a movie theater, and as I got older concert venues, I would always look at the "Coming Soon" marquees and fall in love with the posters and promotional work that covered the walls. The ability for an artist to create such emotion with only a few well-placed images and a small amount of text always attracted me and to becoming an artist.

I love creating Promotional and Identity Art. Creating posters that advertise concerts, bands, DJ's and events is my passion along with logo design.


Graphic Design

Contact the creator before copying. The Guild Supports “Ask First.”

  • Images within Guild Member Portfolios are for Web browser viewing only.
  • Any unauthorized downloading or duplication of images is prohibited by copyright law.
  • Use of the images, including comp usage, must be negotiated with the creator of the image prior to any use.

We ask you to remember that many designers, artists and illustrators may not want to have their images used in any way, including in agency presentations. Any use, including “comping,” implies value that is worth compensation. Art or photography in portfolios submitted for a job should not be copied for any use, including client presentation or “comping,” without the creator’s permission. In case after case, the creator’s property rights have been upheld, and those caught engaging in these practices were penalized, paying large fines to the artists.