19 Sep Grievance Assistance for Guild Members Relaunched
The Guild National Board is excited to announce the relaunch of Guild member Grievance Assistance. The Grievance Assistance process is backed by the Professional Practices Committee, a committee of Guild members with extensive experience in running creative businesses and working with clients. Guild members who have a grievance with a client are welcome to submit an application to have their grievance reviewed by the committee, and to receive peer advice and support from the Guild.
The committee meets on an as-needed basis and reviews the material submitted by the Guild member: the application form, relevant communications with the client, project contracts, and any other material the member deems relevant to their case. If the committee determines that the Guild member has a legitimate grievance against the client, the committee authorizes the Guild to send a letter in support of the member to the client, and, if warranted, guide the member in further action they might take. If the committee determines that the Guild member does not have a legitimate grievance, the committee advises the Guild member on what steps to take to avoid similar conflicts.
![news-solvingproblems-application-graphic “Solving Problems” graphic from the Guild's application form in the 1990s](https://graphicartistsguild.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/news-solvingproblems-application-graphic.jpg)
Above: The “Solving Problems” graphic from the Guild’s 1990s membership brochure.
Members should note that the Grievance Assistance process is a peer-advice process. The Guild does not extend legal advice (but can recommend a lawyer, should one be required). To read more about the Guild’s Grievance Assistance program, visit our page under Member Benefits. Guild Members can access the Grievance Assistance application form by logging into Member Central, or by emailing membership@graphicartistsguild.org.