19 Nov CASE Act: Down to the Wire
We have until the end of this year to get The CASE Act through Congress, and finally get justice for individual creators and copyright holders.
Over the past year, we’ve heard from designers and illustrators who’ve had their work stolen by copyright infringers – with impunity. Some have had client refuse to pay for their work and their licensing fees, and just go ahead and use their designs. One told us about having had a client reject their sketch for a project – only to drive by the client’s business months later and see that the sketch had been made into a neon sign. Two creators have told us that when they discovered their work had been stolen, the copyright infringer threatened to blacklist them in their business community. Many illustrators have told us of the shock they experience when they discover that someone has nabbed their work out of their portfolios and sold on t-shirts, totebags, and mugs.
The one thing all these graphic artists have in common is that copyright infringers refused to stop stealing their work, and even taunted them, “So sue me.”
That’s why we have been pushing to get the CASE Act passed. The Bill sailed through the House and through the Senate Judiciary Committee. But in between Senator Ron Wyden’s hold on the bill, the pandemic, the Supreme Court hearings, and the election upheaval, we’ve been stalled in getting the Bill through the Senate.
We can still make this happen. Please, contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor The CASE Act, S. 1273.
two easy ways to contact your Senators
- Go to copyrightdefense.com, enter in your zip code, and get a one-click option to email a prewritten message to your Senators. (Yes, you can edit the message.)
- Find your Senators on the list below, and click for links to their contact page and social media. You can send them your own message, or use ours.
Message for your Senator
If your state or one of your Senators are not listed , that means those Senators are already co-sponsors of the CASE Act.