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Graphic Artists Guild

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New York, NY 10024

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Guild Webinar Archive: Pricing & Estimates

Jan Paul Ostendorf

You will be presented with some pricing theories, ideas and options on how to get paid more. More importantly, what has worked in realtime for a one-man consultancy. Jän created a tool to provide you

April Webinar presenters

Presented by Kim Glyder, Jill Shimabukuro, and Linda Secondari This webinar originally aired on April 21, 2021 Join the conversation as Art Director, and Guild Board member Linda Secondari (Studio

Presenter: Maria Brophy This webinar originally aired on September 23, 2020, Approximately 1 hour long. ART LICENSING MADE EASY: Learn the basics of licensing your art, which gives you the a

Presented by Kelly Campbell, This webinar originally aired on May 20, 2020. 1.5 hours with Q&A's. Are you running the creative firm of your dreams? No? In this webinar, Kelly Campbell helps

Presenters Justin Perricone and Ed Shems. This webinar originally aired on March 18, 2020 There's no end to the topic of how to price your creative work. Hours? Effort? Internet calculators? Jus

Ilise Benun headshot

Presented by Ilise Benun. Originally aired July 2018. Proposals and RFPs can be a huge source of stress for creative professionals, especially when you're responsible for new business and doing the

Guild Webinar presenter Emily Cohen

Presented by Emily Cohen. Originally aired April 2016. Are you comfortable with pricing, but want to evolve your thinking and take it to the next level? Emily Cohen covers insights and strategie

Rebecca Blake headshot

Presented By: Rebecca Blake. Originally aired in July 2017. The Pricing Game is back, this time featuring the projects which were a huge hit at HOW Design Live 2016! And we’ll be joined by two

Rebecca Blake headshot

Presented By: Rebecca Blake. Originally aired in November 2016. We’ll present specs for a range of design projects from working designers – the information you gather before bidding. Attende

Presented By: Rebecca Blake. Originally aired in June 2014. See the projects of four experienced illustrators, showing a range of project types. There is a follow up with our illustrators discus

Rebecca Blake headshot

Presented By: Rebecca Blake. Originally aired in September 2012. Learn how what other designers and illustrators are charging, and how you can defend your pricing decisions in this webinar featu